Drag Queen And Eurovision Superstar Conchita Wurst Reveals She’s HIV-Positive
Conchita Wurst, whose real name is Thomas Neuwirth, has been battling a health crisis. The performer revealed that his HIV diagnosis.
A Revealing Story
On Sunday, April 16, Neuwirth as Wurst revealed to her 300,000 Instagram followers that she had to go public with the news. The Huffington Post UK explained in a translated statement that the Austrian entertainer's former boyfriend had threatened to go public with this information. Wurst decided not to let her ex's actions affect her life and decided to move forward with the news.
Wurst revealed that she had been seeking medical help for the past few years. The performer told fans that she is still healthy. The performer also added that family and friends have known about her battle with HIV for years and said that they have rallied around her. Wurst also wrote that coming out about her HIV battle is better than being outed and hoped that it would help encourage people to change the way they seek people who are struggling with HIV.
The singer also gave encouraging remarks to her fans. Wurst told them that she would remain strong and is also motivated to continue her work. She also thanked them for their constant support as she prepares for the next chapter of her career.
heute ist der tag gekommen, mich für den rest meines lebens von einem damoklesschwert zu befreien: ich bin seit vielen jahren hiv-positiv. das ist für die öffentlichkeit eigentlich irrelevant, aber ein ex-freund droht mir, mit dieser privaten information an die öffentlichkeit zu gehen, und ich gebe auch in zukunft niemandem das recht, mir angst zu machen und mein leben derart zu beeinflussen. seit ich die diagnose erhalten habe, bin ich in medizinischer behandlung, und seit vielen jahren unterbrechungsfrei unter der nachweisgrenze, damit also nicht in der lage, den virus weiter zu geben. ich wollte aus mehreren gründen bisher nicht damit an die öffentlichkeit gehen, nur zwei davon will ich hier nennen: der wichtigste war mir meine familie, die seit dem ersten tag bescheid weiss und mich bedingungslos unterstützt hat. ihnen hätte ich die aufmerksamkeit für den hiv-status ihres sohnes, enkels und bruders gerne erspart. genauso wissen meine freunde seit geraumer zeit bescheid und gehen in einer unbefangenheit damit um, die ich jeder und jedem betroffenen wünschen würde. zweitens ist es eine information, die meiner meinung nach hauptsächlich für diejenigen menschen von relevanz ist, mit denen sexueller kontakt infrage kommt. coming out ist besser als von dritten geoutet zu werden. ich hoffe, mut zu machen und einen weiteren schritt zu setzen gegen die stigmatisierung von menschen, die sich durch ihr eigenes verhalten oder aber unverschuldet mit hiv infiziert haben. an meine fans: die information über meinen hiv-status mag neu für euch sein – mein status ist es nicht! es geht mir gesundheitlich gut, und ich bin stärker, motivierter und befreiter denn je. danke für eure unterstützung!A post shared by conchita (@conchitawurst) on Apr 15, 2018 at 12:01pm PDT
What Is HIV?
According to the World Health Organization, HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus. This virus destroys and impairs the immune system. The virus could be transmitted through unprotected sex, oral sex, or by sharing needles or sharp instruments. At the end of 2016, over 36.7 million people were living with the disease and 1.8 million people were infected with the virus that year.
Celebrities Who Have HIV
Wurst is not the only celebrity that is dealing with this disease. In 2015, Charlie Sheen went public with the news that he is HIV-Positive. He also revealed on a January 2016 episode of The Dr. Oz Show that he was seeking treatment. That same year, actor Danny Pintauro revealed to Oprah Winfrey that he was HIV-Positive.
Celebrity Health Problems
Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed to his fans on social media that he is not great yet, but good following his emergency open heart surgery. Mariah Carey told People Magazine that she has been battling with Bipolar Disorder for many years. Also, former Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller had to briefly leave her halfway house to deal with a medical emergency.
Conchita's Flashbacks
Conchita Wurst was first introduced to worldwide audiences when she appeared on the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 and won the long-running music competition with the popular song: "Rise Like a Phoenix." Following the contest, she performed at Paris' burlesque club The Crazy Horse. Fans of RuPaul's Drag Race voted for the performer to be a guest judge on the show in 2014.