Russell Brand 'Morning Joe' Response Explained, Comedian Calls TV News 'Disturbing' [VIDEO]
Russell Brand discussed his controversial appearance on the MSNBC talk show Morning Joe in a June 28 column for The Guardian.
When Brand was a guest on a June episode of Morning Joe he made fun of the hosts and spoke out about how "superficial" television news has become. A video of his appearance soon went viral, prompting Brand to write more detailed thoughts about his comments on the talk show for The Guardian.
"Why is our culture behaving like this? How has this become normal?" Brand wrote, regarding the "disturbing" nature of television news programs. "One of the things that's surprising when you go on telly a lot is that often the on-camera 'talent' (yuck!) are perfectly amiable when you chat to them normally.
"But when the red light goes on they immediately transform into shark-eyed Stepford berks talking in a cadence you encounter nowhere else but TV-land - a meter that implies simultaneously carefree whimsy and stifled hysteria."
He also wrote that the Morning Joe program is mostly "shrill, white noise of dumb current affairs" despite the show's "left-leaning inclination." He added that the show's hosts were the "typical trident of blonde, brunette and affable chump" and that the show's crew was rude to him, which he said often indicates a show that does not run smoothly.
Further down the article Brand tied in his thoughts about politicians and how easily they can win the public over if they are entertaining in the media.
"In this age where politics is presented as entertainment, it's the most entertaining politicians who ascend," he wrote.
Brand concluded that media personalities and politicians alike "are always covering something up: their true faces," in spite of what they are actually presenting to the public.
Read Brand's column in full here.
Watch the clip from MSNBC's Morning Joe: