After her recent visit to the White House, Kim Kardashian-West set another record as an advocate after pushing the U.S Congress to finally pass the bill that will benefit Armenia.

Kim stood for her father's country after she supported the Armenian Genocide bill to the congress. Before the bill was successfully approved, Kardashian pleaded to her over 62 million Twitter followers to "call" the Congress and tell them to do the first step for the genocide's victims and descendants.

Later that day, the House approved the resolution that recognizes and remembers the fallen Armenian victims. The vote ended with the result of 405-11 in favor of the bill.

The Armenian Genocide Bill

The Armenian Genocide Bill will now allow Armenian compatriots to commemorate the killings of over 1.5 million Armenians by Turkey's Ottoman Empire in the early 1900s as a genocide. It took so long before the U.S government to recognize the mass killings, and the voting was the first in 35 years to have such legislation be considered by the U.S government.

Armenia's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan expressed his gratitude to the American-Armenians who became the inspiration to push the movement and get the historic moment for their country.

"This resolution is of profound significance in that it resolves to commemorate the Armenian Genocide through official recognition and remembrance," Armenia's foreign ministry said in a press statement.

Kardashian's Role

Without the dedicated advocates like Kardashian, the bill would never be considered in the house and the justice for over 1.5 million fallen victims would not be given.

After the announcement, Kardashian posted on Twitter to celebrate the news.

"Yesterday was such a huge victory for the Armenian people when the US House Of Representatives acknowledged the Armenian Genocide!" the KKW Beauty founder wrote.

On Turkey's part, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stood for his people and considered the vote as the "biggest insult" that the U.S government had given to them, noting the fact that the bill passed on the same day they celebrated Turkey's National Day.

Kardashian and Her Advocacies

In reality, Kardashian followed the steps of his late father, Robert Kardashian, by pressing the U.S government to recognize the 1.5 million massacre as a genocide. She went through numerous discussions with Armenia's top officials and exchanged messages with the member of the U.S Congress.

Other than the recent bill, Kardashian also stood for prison reform advocacy. She recently visited the White House and joined President Donald Trump at a press conference.

Kim announced during her speech that she partnered with Lyft in providing the former prisoners with transportation going to and from their work or job interviews through the "First Step Act."

Trump signed the "First Step Act" in 2018 to allow discretion in sentencing drug offenders, reducing their life sentence and even providing rehabilitation for prisoners.

Kim Kardashian