Miley Cyrus Nostalgic for Hannah Montana Amidst Coronavirus Crisis
Before cleaning and disinfecting one's place, using hand sanitizers, and social distancing became popular activities as they are now today, they have all been done by Hannah Montana.
On day two of her self-quarantine where she makes sure to keep her space clean, it appears that Miley Cyrus was hit by boredom. She dug out old clips of the Disney Channel show that propelled her to fame and wealth, Hannah Montana. And then, she showed how worried and panicky Hannah Stewart is about germs and dirt.
According to Miley Cyrus, she's real life version of Hannah Montana on that department.
One of the clips showed Hanna Montana cleaning her bathroom. However, before she took on the task, she wore a mask first. Day 2 Quarantine. This is the REAL ME. RIGHT NOW. ," she wrote on her post.
She could be lying but her boyfriend, Cody Simpson made sure her fans know that this legit. She isn't lying," he wrote on the comments section.
In her Instagram story, Miley Cyrus shared a photo of Hannah Montana hand sanitizer and wrote this as the caption: "The only hand sanitizer that will defeat the coronavirus." — Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) March 14, 2020
In another clip, Miley Cyrus showed Hannah Montana complaining about someone touching her. This is the concept of social distancing.
While it may appear that Cyrus is joking about the whole thing or making light of it, one can say that the singer-actress genuinely cares. In a tweet she made over the weekend, she reminded people to act with caution and restraint.
Cyrus wrote, "Be thoughtful. Respectful. Compassionate. HUMAN. while preparing for social distancing.... NO ONE needs every soup in the store. The more we hoard the more expensive and sparse necessities will become, leaving many without essentials. This is a great time to practice restraint."
She also said being a decent and caring human is the most important thing to do these days.
She added, "It's incredibly difficult to make smart decisions while panicking but think twice before following the fear and being inconsiderate. There is enough to go around if we take care of one another. This is a beautiful time to LEAD!"
She's not the first star to shed some inspiring quotes amidst this crisis and recommended people to just stay home.. Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande did too.
"This is the time to cancel plans, actually truly isolate as much as you can and don't assume that because you don't feel sick that you aren't possibly passing something on to someone elderly or vulnerable to this," the "Americana" singer said. "It's a really scary time, but we need to make sacrifices right now."
Ariana Grande on the other hand, focused on governments' role in this trying time. "These are the times when the world should rely on their governments to support the plan for all citizens to stay at home and lessen the threat of infection and the spread of the virus," she said, adding, "Like your hip hop yoga class can fucking wait I promise."