Marvel’s highly anticipated sequel Thor: The Dark World, continues to generate a ton of buzz over its future release, which will undoubtedly be set up to impress its viewers.

Actor Idris Elba, who dons the role of Heimdall in the flick, recently interviewed with IGN about the blockbuster’s premise, which he says hones a little bit more into the world itself.

“I think it’s a closer look at the world, a little bit more in, a little bit closer. The process is pretty much the same but there’s definitely an angle that they’re coming from, which is different from the first film,” he said.

Elba also compared the difference between the Kenneth Branagh directed Thor to the upcoming Thor: The Dark World with Alan Taylor at the helm.

“Kenneth Branagh’s Thor had a certain angle and it achieved it. This is different from it. It comes from a different place. But it’s still really exciting. I’m looking forward to seeing what people think,” he said.

Marvel's Thor: The Dark World is set to make its debut on the big screen on Friday, Nov. 8. Be sure to keep checking back for more details on the highly anticipated blockbuster flick. The official trailer for the movie can be watched below.

Thor, Thor 2, Marvel, Idris elba