Reconciliation? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Made Their Kids the Happiest with This!
After years of fighting, a new report came out to say that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have reconciled. Not in a romantic way, but in the adult, civil way. They talked through their differences and reached a genuine truce, one that makes all their kids very happy.
It's been a struggle for Jolie and Pitt ever since the divorce. Even if Jolie herself said the divorce is the right thing to do for her kids, and Pitt seems to be moving on and already dating, none of the two parties were happy that things between them ended tensely in that way. Moreover, when there are A LOT of kids involved.
According to Life & Style Weekly July 6 issue, the two have done everything nasty to each other, after the divorce. They traded public barbs about one another and Jolie allegedly limited Brad's access to their kids.
However, the magazine is now reporting that the two have already reconciled through one very long, very necessary, and very civil phone conversation. The insider had it that the two discussed a lot of topics, including Brad's sobriety and what all their children had been up to. Jolie reportedly said she thought she had changed a lot, for the better. There was no screaming or blaming that took place on that call.
This phone call triggered a genuine truce. Not just a temporary truce where the parties keep quiet and yet ready to pounce during any interview. it's not the kind of truce where they say they are fine, but still hurting inside Rather, it seems that this productive conversation now makes them cordial to each other. It appears that they are at peace of where they are at, for the sake of their kids. This certainly made those around them make a sigh of relief.
Their kids though are more than just relieved. They are ecstatic. Although they are unlike other kids of divorce parents hoping to see their parents back together in each other's arms and getting angry when their parents cannot do so, they do want to see their parents being nice to each other. They allegedly had been hoping for this for years- for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to talk pleasantly for years. They believe that this is the start of a more harmonious family environment or them
Hopefully, this translates to Jolie being fine with Brad Pitt dating, if the rumors are true. So far, most of the reports painted Jolie as a jealous ex, vindictive enough to convince her children to not talk to anyone who is being linked to her, whether it be Jennifer Aniston and Alia Shawkat.
Of course, one cannot be sure if these rumors about her being angry in the first place. Why? because there is no confirmation at all that Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt have reconciled in the first place, nor about Pitt and Shawkat dating.
In fact, the opposite is true - there are some denials about the dating allegations but no confirmation. Still, the chances of either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, or both - finally moving on with other people, are not that low. Hopefully, when that time comes, they will be truly happy for each other.
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