3 Diet Books That Work Wonders (And You Should Probably Read)

Having a reliable guide when you are starting your diet journey makes things a little bit easier.
Although most people refer to the internet for guides and tips, one should be aware that not everything we see online works for everyone. Some posts can even worsen our health status, especially when they came from an unknown and shady source.
While it can really save you bucks to grab your phone and browse articles online, buying a well-rounded and well-written book by a professional can surely save you from aggravating your plans.
Since bookstores are currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, you can still check out these three books on Amazon and begin your fitness journey through their proven-effective guides!
New Atkins for a New You: The Ultimate Diet for Shedding Weight and Feeling Great.

Eric C. Westman, Stephen D. Phinney, and Jeff S. Volek joined forces to produce a book dedicated to those people who are into the Atkins diet.
Through this book, you will learn about the healthy foods you can eat to turn your body into a fat-burning machine. That way, you can never restrict yourself from eating the foods you love anymore -- from protein-rich foods to whole grains.
Some people who go on a diet tend to worry about the diets that can affect their day-to-day performance. But through Atkins, you can still do anything wherever you are.

Paleo, one of the most popular diet types, also got its own book!
Dubbed as "The Paleo Bible," Practical Paleo explains how you can improve your health by simply eating real and healthy foods and cutting down processed foods intake. Besides having the quality of life you have always wanted, you can also save yourself from getting common health disorders.
On Practical Paleo's second edition, you will discover how to effectively begin the diet and switch to the Paleo way of eating. It also has new and improved 30-day meal plans and more recipes that you can try it at home.
Furthermore, Practical Paleo explores a wide range of new topics, from eating low-carb, how stress can disrupt our adrenal system and more.

For people who want to see real results in one month, this Keto Diet book will make you cook for yourself using budget-friendly ingredients.
All 80 delicious recipes are proven effective to burn fat and fight diseases. This diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet that pushes you to reduce carbohydrate intake and replace it with fat drastically.
Since the ketogenic diet has been one of the world's most effective diet, you might also want to put your body into a metabolic state and see it for yourself!
In addition, you will find all the tools you need to eliminate stubborn fat and prevent yourself from catching chronic diseases.