Ellen DeGeneres Bully or Bullied? Host Traumatized by #RIPEllen Death Hoax

Ellen DeGeneres is well and alive - but she's feeling bullied despite the allegations that she is the biggest bully of them all. She has been called mean, toxic, and racist.
She's been cancelled even, especially when the hashtag #RIPEllen circulated. The hashtag was meant to reference the rumors that her talk show would be axed, but some also taught it was a nasty death hoax. With all this negative energy turned towards her, there is no doubt that Ellen is feeling a bit queasy and bullied.
After that hashtag trended, fans were quick to tweet out their sentiments, asking if the comedienne and talk show host has truly died. A sign that people's love for her is waning, some even mocked the "late" comic with fake obituaries. One had a pic of Ellen with the caption, "#RipEllen, Fly HIgh, Angel."
People who do not know better would naturally think the "Ellen DeGeneres dead" rumors are true. Good thing though that she is not. But this does not mean she's not hurting and probably wishing the worst on herself. According to some Globe insiders, the normally cheery and fully of positive energy (at least on television!) host is now barely able to sleep and eat. She's literally dysfunctional because of her anxiety with regard to what is happening to her this year.
An insider said Ellen does not think she has done anything to warrant this kind of hostility, regardless of the fact that so many of her former staff has alleged she was mean and racist to them. Having one person complain is one thing, but for a group to say the same thing is another though.
But Ellen DeGeneres is adamant that she is the one being bullied and not the bully.
Globe's allegations that Ellen is feeling as if the world is against her might not be entirely true though. Gossip Cop has evaluated the report and said it was highly unlikely.
According to the gossip buster site, it is well and possible that the host was hurt by the viral hashtag turned death hoax. Ordinary people can feel the same if it happens to them! But to take Globe's word for it is being unwise. After all, this magazine outlet has already reported all sort of fake news on Ellen DeGenenes and Portia De Rossi in the past.
For the record also, even if the $RIPEllen hashtag trended in the first place to say that "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" would be taken out, this is not true. Showrunners have said so as much. DeGeneres may not likely be thinking of quitting, as some news reports alleged. She survived some really bad media storms in the past, particularly when she cameo out as a lesbian, it's highly likely she'll survive this too.
She just have to directly address all the swirling accusations though, something she have not done. Ignoring them just make things worse because she comes off as guilty and at loss for words over what she has done. If she is not guilty, then she should at least say so and let the public be the judge.