So Un-Royal! 4 Most Awkward Moments Of Queen Elizabeth II

For the past 68 years that Queen Elizabeth II has reigned the British monarchy, she has been known as one of the primmest leaders in history. With her positive aura and years of experience as a world leader, Her Majesty is unlikely to experience an embarrassing moment in public.
But just like the rest of us, the 94-year-old monarch is also human who makes honest mistakes from time-to-time. She may be the head of the British monarchy, but she cannot always be the iconic Queen we see on the pedestal.
Below are some of the funniest and most awkward moment of Queen Elizabeth II throughout the years.
Queen Elizabeth II Behind The Bush
The Queen once took an extreme measure to avoid entertaining a controversial guest staying at the Buckingham Palace. It was in 1978 when Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena Ceausescu visited the United Kingdom and stayed at the Palace for a while.
In the ITV documentary "Inside the Crown: Secrest of the Royals," royal experts revealed how Queen Elizabeth II hid in the Palace bushes to avoid the couple who served as her guests.
According to journalist Robert Hardman, Her Majesty spotted the couple while taking her dogs for a walk. To avoid exchanging small talk with her guests, Queen Elizabeth jumped into a nearby bush.
"The Queen puts up with having many different people, but Ceaușescu was too much for her," Hardman said.
Nelson Mandela, A Gate-Crasher?
To be invited by Queen Elizabeth II in a private gathering is such a huge honor, but one leader once tried to put her in an awkward position by showing up in a dinner where he was not invited to attend.
In 1991, Her Majesty hosted a dinner for Commonwealth leaders, but Nelson Mandela suddenly showed up and put the Queen in a possible diplomatic disaster.
In the BBC documentary "The Queen: In Her Own Words," it was revealed that Queen Elizabeth II told Mandela about the conference happening in Zimbabwe, but she did not extend him an invitation to dinner because he is still considered as a leader of a terrorist organization.
Her Majesty eventually allowed Mandela to stay, which went well.
Cringey Outfit
Queen Elizabeth II always stands out with her wardrobe. But she once wore an ugly outfit that did not only caught her stylists's attention but also led to Prince Philip's harsh joke.
In the book penned by the Queen's designer Angela Kelly, she revealed a moment when Her Majesty was wearing a cringe-worthy outfit made of jacquard material with a large print. Kelly was not able to control herself and told Queen Elizabeth II how awful her dress was.
"Without hesitation, I said, 'No way! It doesn't suit you at all, and it is totally the wrong pattern," Kelly said, resulting in an awkward silence between her and the Queen.
The Duke of Edinburg also made fun of her outfit by asking her if she was wearing a new material for the sofa.
Chasing Corgis
Queen Elizabeth II once made fun of a chef after her pet corgis chased him during their first meeting.
According to Darren McGrady, he thought his first meeting with the Queen would be awesome. Nonetheless, the moment was ruined by her corgis who chased him and barked hysterically after seeing him.
"I was so scared I turned around and ran away. The Queen was laughing, she thought it was really funny," McGrady told the Insider.
After the meeting, McGrady landed his first job in the Palace kitchen but not to cook for royals, but for the dogs who chased him.