Meghan Markle True Colors Revealed: She Has THESE UNBELIEVABLE Traits!

Meghan Markle's life changed overnight when she became a royal. She may have been famous herself before this, but being a Hollywood star is totally different from being a Duchess. But she did not changed in status or appearance only.
A friend said her whole personality changed, and this is not always a good thing, unless she changed for genuine reasons. according to her co-star in her "Deal or No Deal" stint, the Meghan Markle she knows back in 2006 is certainly not the Meghan Markle the world knows now.
According to Australian model Lisa Gleave, Meghan Markle was more quiet and reserved in the past that she is now. That's actually a surprising news, because most would think she was more rowdy and outgoing as a television personality than a royal. In fact, she described her as being an introvert.
While Meghan Markle was hardly scandalous before she became a royal, it was natural that she was more extroverted because of her career. But Gleave suggested otherwise. She added that not only was Markle quiet, she was also very sweet.
She however described Markle as focused and determined to make something out of herself too, which is something people know Markle to be, even at present. "I remember her being very focused on her acting career and her role as a briefcase beauty, as we were called, was just a steppingstone in her career," Gleave said.
Gleave said Markle easily achieved her goal then too, getting a big break just a few seasons of being a briefcase beauty. "She only did a few seasons and then landed her role in Suits which took her away."
Gleave added that she was truly happy for Markle when she heard about them dating and eventually getting married. The development in her personal life certainly affected her professional life, given the fact that she has to leave her acting career.
Weirdly though, even though it appears now that Meghan Markle's stint as a briefcase girl was something to be proud of, because it was a steppingstone for her. It was nothing to be ashamed about certainly, since the other briefcase girls are also notable girls themselves!
Is Meghan Markle truly ashamed though? Some critics say that. Since her Wikipedia entry was drastically altered a few weeks before her relationship with Prince Harry was made public and this information about her being part of "Deal or No Deal" was not to be found there.
But these are all in the past now. What people know about Meghan Markle right now is much more important. unfortunately, even since Megxit, there are reports determined to paint her in a negative light. Apart from being a so-called desperate actress who thought so high of herself, she is also painted as a bad daughter, an untrustworthy granddaughter-in-law to the Queen, a diva-ish Duchess who made staff feel bad, and a spoiled brat that lured Prince Harry from his people. It remains to be seen whether she can redeem herself in the eyes of people once the lockdown is over and all her and Prince Harry's original US plans will come true.
READ MORE: Meghan Markle as Briefcase Girl: Former Workmate Reveals TRUTH About Meghan