Baby Archie Night Shift Nanny Quest Leaves Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Traumatized

A royal baby deserves the best nanny there is. It did not matter that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would not be royals for long, Baby Archie will forever have royalty in his blood. This is why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were crazy anxious when hiring a nanny.
The new book, "Finding Freedom," reveals that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had a hard time looking for a night nurse for their son Archie, not because there were no qualified nannies out there, but because they have personal trust issues.
According to the authors of the book, Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, the night shift nurse they first hired was unprofessional during her second night at work, compelling the two to remove her from their household quickly.
The experience apparently left them traumatized, so the couple's second night shift was not given a chance to last longer than the first either. They hired a new night nurse, who did a great job.
However, because of what happened with the first nurse, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle constantly checked up on Archie at night. As this became a habit, they found that they no longer needed a night nurse anyway. Hence, they decided to take on the nights themselves and removed the night nurse they hired.
This is another juicy tidbit for what it is like to be royals raising a baby. While the book released some juicy details on the two's lives back in the palace, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex denied having a hand at the book.
US Weekly received a statement that said Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were not interviewed for this book. They did not contribute anything to "Fiding Freedom" at all. Hence, the content was all from the authors' own experiences as members of the royal press corps and their own independent reporting style.
Still, the book was a royal tell-all that people had been waiting for ever since Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and bay Archie reached LA. Everyone wants to know why they left the palace, was it so bad? Was Meghan Markle treated poorly? Was she discriminated? For the most part, the book addressed these questions.
In the book, one could also read that Harry was pissed off when his brother Prince William implied that he was rushing things with Meghan Markle.
Some felt that Prince Harry over-reacted. But then the book clarifies that this is just truly how Prince Harry reacts to things. Prince William is calm and collected one, while Harry usually takes things far too personally. Unfortunately, the rift did not get a chance to heal before Prince Harry announced that he and Meghan Markle are stepping down from their royal roles.
The book also revealed that relations have tensed up all over between the couple and the palace because the latter could not understand why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would air their dirty laundry to the public. A source told the US weekly that the book made the already broken relationship between prince Prince Harry and Prince Willliam all the harder to repair.
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