Kanye West Presidential Bid 2020 Futile, Shouldn't Kim Kardashian Stop Him?

Kanye West running for president sounds both like a dream and a joke.
A dream because as surreal as it sounds, a pop culture icon is raring to change the country (as dubious as that sounds for many).
A joke because someone connected to the Kardashian clan is going to be the President and Kim, the first lady, really? This is in no way a judgement -- it just sounds a tad funny, especially when the rest of the Kardashian family themselves do not seem to support the idea at all.
In fact, we believe the scales tip more towards the feeling that this is a joke.
On the one hand, it's not as if the Kardashians and kanye are poster first family material. But then, since this is America, it would not be the first time someone who is not as competent as he is deemed popular is placed on the ivory seat.
On the other hand, Kanye West's bid may be futile not because he's a famous icon outside the political realm, but because he is already showing how incompetent he is this early.
He has not even gotten into debates yet but it is already apparent that either he's acting like he does not know what he is doing or he just doing things as he please, ending up in him being ridiculed.
The fact that his bid is being rejected in individual states is a clear sign that he is running in such a wrong time. It seems that he did not have his candidacy planned out. His team is committing one error after another, cementing the idea that Kanye is doing all these for any reason other than truly becoming the president. To seek attention? To put Biden out? For a PR stunt?
Who knows?
In a span of two days, West was kicked out from the ballot in five states that did not wish to overlook his lateness, insufficient valid signatures and the likes. These five states are Illinois, Montana, Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
In Wisconsin, West did not file on time, and the state refused to overlook that. After all, if you want to run the country, the least you can do is show up on time when needed.
In Ohio, the information and signature on West's nominating petition, as well as the signature on his statement of candidacy, did not match the signatures found on petitions circulated. How can he or his team be so lousy when they are keen to become the most powerful man in the U.S. and probably the whole world?
This week, Kanye filed his candidacy in several other states, including but not limited to Louisiana, Minnesota, Tennesee and Virginia. News still has to come in whether he will be allowed to appear on the ballot in all of them.
As early as now, it is seems that he will face some issues in Virginia. Seven out of the 13 electors that West submitted shared to Intelligencer that they did not know they were signing up to cast electoral votes on his behalf. They did not even know that the signed notarized paperwork is related to West's presidential bid at all!
"Is this a joke?, one of the electors, Ilisa Stillman, said when sought for comment.
"Holy guacamole," she replied when she found out it is not. "I'm certainly not supporting Kanye West."
It is impossible for other electors not to feel this way, especially when they have never thought that the rapper would run.
Nowhere has a presidential hopeful been this lousy and careless like Kanye West. If this keeps up, people should not even bother pondering why he's running because it is apparent that he does not know what he is doing.
Even if he has a nice crystal platform, he cannot just go around doing this his own way without minding protocol.
The abovementioned are some of the reasons why Kanye West should drop his bid. Not that it looks like it is going anywhere, but dropping it can make him concentrate more on better and more fruitful endeavours -- like getting his and Kim Kardashian's relationship on the right track once more.