Justin Bieber Secret: Biebs Drops Major Good News Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

In the middle of a nasty pandemic where ordinary folks and artists alike believe they are facing a bleak future, Justin Bieber is set to drop his newest album. Not just any album though, but the "best of his career."
If this is true, releasing it in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic makes it even more phenomenal.
Justin Bieber New Album: Out by September?
Instead of using the pandemic as a chance to bond with his wife and just lay low -- because no one would judge him if he does that anyway! -- Bieber opted to be very busy.
He has worked hard to make sure that a new album would drop soon and make his fans happy during these uncertain times. His hard work is already paying off even before the album is released, since those who had the luxury of hearing it first said the tracks are the best he has ever done. Since he has been singing since 14, those praises cannot be undermined.
As fans who still have to wait for the official drop date to listen to his new amazing songs, this means they have something to certainly look foward to.
Justin Bieber Tour Set for 2021
Had the pandemic not happened and fouled up people's plans, Bieber would already be on the road this summer with his Changes Tour. But instead of wallowing about this, Biebs decided to still work at the studio, resulting into this album.
"Justin announced his tour will go out next summer and he's really excited, but he's actually been recording during COVID and made an entire new project. The album will have all new collaborators and the music is already blowing people away," a friend close to Justin shared to HollywoodLife.
The friend added that "Justin has already shot music videos recently and his fans are in for a massive surprise." The friend reveals that it would a pop album but more. "it's going to have amazing vocals, incredible stories, really worldwide smashes."
Fans need not to wait long because some songs part of this album will be coming as soon as September, the insider revealed.
Imagine that he just dropped his most recent album back in February 2020. It was his first full-length studio album since he released "Purpose" on November 13, 2015. Fans waited five years for that, and now they are up to for more treat.
Bieber is certainly spoiling his fans!
The whole album is slated to come out before the end of the year. It might even make 2020 end in a better note.
Apparently, work was Justin's tonic, and he made sure that the pandemic would not get to his mental state by making more music for his fans. It's unfortunate that because of the pandemic, Bieber was not able to perform "Changes" in person yet.
Before he take on his rescheduled tour in 2021, fans should stay tuned what his new album's name would be. Will he be singing about Hailey Baldwin in any of his songs?
While the two are so in love with each other, baby plans are on hold. Back in April, Hailey directly said that she is not ready for a baby yet.
She is even on birth control. Nonetheless, with some busy months ahead, this might be a good idea for them. Bieber will have it difficult to go on tours and promote his album when he has to take care of a baby