Justin Beiber Heartbreak: Hailey Baldwin Revealed One Thing She HATES About Husband

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are married for almost two years now. The two are probably now at a crossroads, since the honeymoon phase is over.
Allegedly, they're starting to see the glaring flaws of each other.
When this happens, every couple knows that the person who looks adorable to you from head to toes started to look annoying in different ways. This generation's power couple is not exempted from that stage as Hailey Baldwin-Bieber recently revealed that there is one thing about Justin's physical feature that annoys her the most.
The 23-year-old model and 26-year-old pop singer started dating in 2015. Although they briefly separated, they found themselves back together in 2018 and did not let go of each other since then.
In a recent interview with Elle, Hailey confessed that their fairytale-like romance isn't perfect at all. Sometimes, they also get under one another's skin. In fact, one thing that gets Justin under her nerves is a particular feature on his face.
While Hailey is blessed with bushy and beautiful brows, she is aware that she is not so gifted in the lash department.
"I don't consider myself as somebody who has the longest lashes in the world," she explained. "It's fine. I've accepted it. I can live with it. They're visible, they're there, but they're not super long," Hailey explained.
That is why it annoys her to see that the "Yummy" singer" has effortlessly longer lashes than she does.
"My husband actually has way longer lashes than I do, and I get really annoyed," she added.
I think every wife could relate to Hailey's situation. Husbands tend to have gifted lashes as if they needed it on their everyday beauty routine.
Speaking of a beauty routine, during the same interview, Mrs. Bieber also opened up about how she helped Justin overcome his acne by converting him into a skincare enthusiast.
"Justin was struggling a bit with acne. I tried to help him clear that and get that under control, and it is working. It's gone, and he's really happy," Hailey revealed.
"I give him all of the tips that I use personally, and I've given him products that I use. I'm always big on keeping your skin hydrated. It's taken him a while, though," she added.
The self-confessed skincare addict also boasted how her husband is now taking his skincare seriously.
"Let me just say that my man is so into skincare. I mean, I wouldn't say so into skincare, but he cares a lot about what's going on with his skin now because he knows how much I love it. And he's just taking my advice," Hailey continued.
If it isn't relationship goals, we don't know what else is.
Hailey's revelation about getting jealous of Justin's lashes came after the couple's good friend, Dwayne Johnson, teased a couple of having babies soon.
Commenting on Justin Bieber's Instagram entry featuring Hailey's newborn niece, the former professional wrestler said that he expects Mr. and Mrs. Bieber to have babies by 2021.