Hannah Brown is known for being self-conscious, but this trait of her almost took away her chance to appear in "The Bachelor."

In December 2018, ABC first revealed that Brown would be joining "The Bachelor" after she was cast for its Season 23.

However, the 26-year-old former beauty pageant titleholder almost did not appear on national TV.

On her official YouTube Channel, Brown shared a video titled "10 Things You Didn't Know About Me" where she shared that her acne almost stopped her from joining the show.

While growing up, she never faced such skin issue. However, it suddenly popped out of nowhere when she became a young adult.

"It was a whole dramatic thing. If y'all want to know more about it, I'll talk about it. It's definitely a part of my story," she revealed.

When she finally noticed that her face started to have breakouts, she felt like she had to warn the casting team of "The Bachelor."

She then recalled how she wanted to know if they would still want her to join the show despite the "accutane" thing. It also stressed her not knowing what would happen to her skin.

Fortunately, "The Bachelor" raised a thumbs up and gave her a go-signal to join the series. However, when Brown watched the hit ABC show, she noticed that the other contestants had "zero pores on their skin."

Even though acne kept on popping out on her skin, her fans still loved her so much for being approachable.

Brown, the Beauty Conscious?

Aside from her acne, Brown recently shared her story about getting her brows waxed for the first time.

"I will never forget the day that this boy Dylan in my class pointed out [my unibrow]," she recalled. "He was right. I definitely had a unibrow."

The TV personality then recollected how she came home feeling upset about what Dylan told her. Soon after she saw her eyebrows, she immediately waxed it.

The waxing procedure then became a routine for her since third grade.

However, since now that thick, full brows are what people want these days, it bodes very well for her.

"These suckers grow back in the middle of the night. I'm telling you, if I went three days without [waxing], I would have a unibrow," Brown revealed.

To stop a unibrow from occurring, she said she worked with a brow specialist in Los Angeles. Per the expert, she needed to grow out her hair for six to eight weeks.

Unfortunately, this still did not work for her since she thought she would look like Chewbacca.

Despite being so stressed out about how she looks like, her fans showered her with unending love and appreciation.

One fan said, "Hannah is the person we all wanna be friends with: Adventurous. Fun. Quirky. Funny. Sweet. Real."

"Hannah is one of the most genuine and entertaining people to ever come out of the bachelor franchise," another one wrote. "I just realized I smiled throughout. She is SO cute and chirpy."

Hannah Brown, The Bachelor