Prince Harry did not mince words when he implied he already found his purpose in this world, oceans away from the royals.

As it looks, the royal exit Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made was the best thing that has happened to the Duke of Sussex.

When Prince Harry and Meghan left their senior royal positions officially last March 31, people laughed at the idea that they were doing it to become financially independent and to secure a private life for themselves and their son Archie.

Some said that in no time at all, when they both start to financially struggle, they would crawl their way to the palace and to the royal family. People even said this will be the cause of their divorce.

But it appears that finacially struggling and thriving at the end of it all is making Prince Harry really, really happy. He said so himself.

Harry Is Living a 'Great' Life

Speaking to the GQ Heroes conference, Harry said: "We're working our a**** off and Archie is keeping us very busy and making us laugh every day which is great."

While talking with a famous Black Lives Matter protester and hero, Patrick Hutchinson--who lifted a white counter-protestor out of harm's way--the Duke of Sussex discussed the kind of future they want to have a hand in creating.

Harry explained that creating a better future for the next generation is the "whole point in life."

"Being a dad, the whole point in life was to find and leave the world a better place than when you found it," he said.

Prince Harry Happier With Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle is making Harry see things that his own royal family has shielded him from, the prince implied as well.

Apart from hinting that his new life is bringing him more fulfillment than being a royal, he said outright that his life back in the palace was too privileged for him to become the person he wants to be.

The Duke of Sussex claimed that being a member of the royal family meant he had no comprehension of unconscious racial bias and that he could be doing things that are tone-deaf without realizing it.

Prince Harry said it took him several years--and the experience of "living" in the shoes of his wife, Meghan Markle--to understand this problem.

The 36-year-old former royal also clarified that he is not blaming the palace for anything. "No-one's pointing the fingers. You can't really point fingers, especially when it comes to unconscious bias," he explained.

However, Prince Harry shared that once a person realizes that he is engaging in bias in an unconscious way and start to feel bad about it, this should be taken as a sign to go out and change this behavior. "Educate yourself because ignorance is no longer an excuse," he added.

He noted that the upbringing and Eton College education he was privileged to have did not allow him to understand what unconscious bias is. It was even impossible for him as the son of Prince Wales to have an idea about it.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle