Want To Stop Your Hands From Aging? Coconut Oil May Be the Answer

People have been doing all sorts of skincare routines every day. Unfortunately, only a few people know that their hands age faster than any other part of the body.
Most of the time, people fail to take care of their hands, and only a few individuals opt to use hand cream to moisturize their hands all day long.
Sure, that's good enough. But the only problem is that there are certain products that can only worsen your skin problems.
You are fortunate to have an option to use coconut oil in the Philippines and other Asian countries to pamper your overworked hands. Since you are using them in everything you do, the pair deserves the utmost care to prevent dry skin.
Why You Should Take Care of Your Hands
Scientifically speaking, the skin on your hands is thin, making them more vulnerable and susceptible to germs and viruses. In addition, they are mostly exposed to sunlight and air since they are not covered with any cloth.
Although washing your hands can help you prevent the spread of germs and viruses, medical experts said that too much of it can cause adverse effects.
According to Vermen Verallo-Rowell, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, too much hand washing can remove all the proteins and lipids that prevent dehydration.
Unfortunately, washing our hands regularly is a must now, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.
As a result, you should also work on making them moisturized at the same time.
How Coconut Oil Can Take Care of Your Hands
In the same article published by Yahoo, Dr. Verallo-Rowell mentioned that you should not use antibacterial soaps.
Instead, you should try using plain soap and water before feeding your skin with moisture-rich products. For this part, he suggested using coconut oil.
"I use coconut oil. I warm it between my hands before rinsing," the doctor suggested.
For centuries, coconut oil in the Philippines and other tropical countries are proven effective in maintaining the skin's moisture.
Since our hands are more exposed to harmful micro-organisms, coconut oil can do the job and protect them through its antimicrobial properties.
By applying this miracle product to your hands, you will surely stop bacteria's growth on your hands due to its high lauric acid content.
In addition, it can solve the number one issue of our hands: aging.
Coconut oil can instantly improve the connective tissue of your skin. That way, you will no longer see premature wrinkling and sagging.
Not only can it restore your hands' youthful look, but the product can also lock in the moisture through its Vitamins A and E. These compounds elevate collagen production, promoting firmer and supple-looking skin.
With that said, using coconut oil can give your hands the utmost protection it needs. The miracle product can address your skin's existing problems and prevent more damages in the future.