Christian Amanpour Getting Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer, Urges Females To Get Checked Too

CNN's Chief International Anchor Christian Amanpour has ovarian cancer. This is what she shared with the world when she returned to work on June 14, after a month-long absence that had her viewers worried.
The renowned journalist revealed that she is receiving treatment for her cancer.
The CNN anchor, 63, is amazingly calm when she made the news, thanking her colleague Bianna Golodryga for holding down the fort in her absence.
She said that the past few weeks have been "a bit of a rollercoaster for me, because during that time, like millions of women around the world, I've been diagnosed with ovarian cancer."
Christian Amanpour Receiving Treatment for Ovarian Cancer
The anchor said that her absence was due to her making sure she fights this cancer as early as possible and urges other women to make sure to have regular checkups so they can do so as well.
"I've had successful major surgery to remove it, and I am now undergoing several months of chemotherapy for the very best possible long-term prognosis, and I am confident," she said.
She gives praises to the NHS, or the U.K.'s National Health Service, known to provide free healthcare to all citizens through funds sourced from taxes.
Amanpour Shouts Out to "Brilliant NHS"
"I'm also fortunate to have health insurance through work and incredible doctors who are treating me in a country underpinned by of course the brilliant NHS," she said.
The anchor said that although she's revealing her condition out of transparency, she is also doing it because she saw firsthand how better it would be for women if they have early diagnoses of whatever diseases they might have.
She urges her female viewers to get all the regular screenings and scans that they can. She added that it is as important for women to always listen to their bodies and, when they have some medical concerns, not to dismiss them or view them as nothing.
Amanpour Has No COVID-19
Her unexplained absence the past few weeks has people naturally worried that she had been infected with the COVID-19 virus. Her revelation coincided
with what cancer experts in the U.K. have been saying lately - that there are an increasing number of missed cancer cases because of the focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. According to The Times of London, experts have given a warning that the country is now facing a "ticking time bomb" after the most recent figures uncovered at least 350,000 patients hadn't been referred for hospital treatment.