What to Do When Being Interviewed by Police, As Told By Former Law Enforcement Officer and Prosecutor, Camara Mintz

As a former prosecutor and law enforcement officer turned attorney, Camara Mintz provides a unique perspective when defending his clients' cases. Armed with his experience and insight, one that most attorneys can't offer, he co-founded a Maryland-based firm called Gracia & Mintz Attorneys At Law.
After working on thousands of cases, he wants to expand his reach. "Currently, we handle a lot, everything from DUIs and disorderly conduct to double homicide, drug cases, thefts, assaults, robberies. You name it. We've done it," says Camara.
With all this collective experience, Camara is now sharing how to interview with police properly. Why? He says it's because "most people aren't aware of their rights, and law enforcement officers are trained to set you up and use everything you say against you in court. People need to be aware of this stuff to protect themselves and their families."
One of the most frequently asked questions Camara receives is how to interview with police properly. So to help, he's sharing his top advice now. Let's dive in...
Don't waive your Miranda rights
"When the police bring you in for questioning, many people will waive their Miranda rights and talk. They do this because they think, it's okay, I didn't do anything wrong, I'll just explain without a lawyer. I always tell people this is an awful idea. Because if they're bringing you in, there's a reason. They have a case against you already, and usually, there's nothing you can say that will influence their charging decision. But literally, everything you say after waiving your Miranda rights is documented and put on the record, and it could be used against you whether you think it's incriminating or not. It is always a bad idea to give any statement, whether it is a drug, robbery, or DUI case, without a lawyer. Don't talk. They could be setting you up."
Don't try to explain your way out
"People want to explain themselves when they think they're in trouble. Many times that winds up backfiring. No matter what you're accused of doing or charged with, everything can be used against you. Most people don't know it's a bad idea."
Their job is to make you open up
"Officers are trained to gain compliance in different ways. They build rapport with you, build up your confidence, and these are just a few tactics they use to build trust, so they can gain consent to search you on the side of the road or talk. They attempt to lower your guard and make you feel bad and get you to compile with their commands, questions, and requests. They use all kinds of tactics and trickery in many cases."
Say you want a lawyer
"I always advise my friends, family, and clients not to talk. In most situations in life, being quiet and listening is always the best way to be. Just stay quiet and say you want a lawyer, and that's it."
If you're looking for legal help from Attorney Mintz, contact them and learn more through their Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/graciamintzlaw/?hl=en.