The arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge first royal baby made headlines around the world Tuesday as newspapers led with the news on their front pages.

Media outlets have been camped outside of St. Mary's hospital for weeks now to get a glimpse of the new royal family. By early Tuesday morning, much of the TV debate surrounded on when Middleton and the newborn might be discharged from the hospital.

British newspapers' front page covers had several different headlines with angles of the royal baby.

"It's A Boy," U.K.'s Daily Telegraph, Daily Express and Daily Star newspapers read next to pictures of the Duchess Kate or the Buckingham Palace easel on which the official announcement was placed.

Murdoch-owned tabloid The Sun changed its own title to "The Son," in honor of Baby Cambridge for a special edition. Underneath was a large picture of the official document announcing the royal baby's birth.

The Independent read "Special Delivery. Duchess Gives Birth to a Prince -- and a Global Media Feeding Frenzy Begins." The newspaper's smaller edition, known as i, went straight to the point, with the headline: "Born to Rule."

News Corp's The Times of London's headline read, "A Prince Is Born." The paper's Tuesday edition was promoted as a "souvenir edition," with baby coverage. The wrap-around cover read the headline "Welcome to the World."

The Daily Mail ran a different angle focusing on Prince Charles and featured a big picture of him, with the headline "Oh Boy! One's a Grandpa,"

Here in the U.S., the Los Angeles Times headlined the front page, "The prince of wails has arrived," while the Washington Post chose a picture of royal fans and well-wishers outside Buckingham Palace for its main image.

Kate Middleton, Prince William