Safaree Samuels Under Attack For Respecting Nicki Minaj Over Own Wife Erika Mena

"Love and Hip Hop Atlanta" Safaree Samuels appeared as a guest on his co-star Yung Joc's radio show, where he was asked various questions about him and his response to Nicki Minaj's current status.
According to this article, Samuels was asked if he had ever listened to one of Minaj's songs while being intimate with another woman. As the two conversed about Nicki Minaj, one of the leading rappers in the industry, Samuels decided to go for a quick and harmless response.
"That's not a good question," the new father of two expressed his dissatisfaction with the question.
Samuels closed the question with a dash of positivity, "That woman is married with a brand new baby...God Bless, Okay!"
Fans Speak Up Against Samuels' Response
Even though Samuels left a mature response, fans never stopped and snubbed him for not treating his soon-to-be ex-wife Erica Mena with the same respect he gave Minaj.
One person in this Instagram post said, "Not him respecting Nicki's marriage and not his own."
Someone else also wrote in the same note by saying, "so you respect Nicki enough bc she's married and has a baby but can't do the same for his own wife and new baby."
"Good answer, you're growing up," one comment said, showing some support for Samuels' decision.
Samuels and Mena's marriage has gone down since a year after they got married. Samuels voiced his desire to get a divorce again this year, following last November 2020.
Nicki Minaj nor Erica Mena has reacted to Samuels' latest comment yet.
Safaree Samuels And Erica Mena's Relationship
Fans have seen a close look at the decline of their relationship as Mena also filed for divorce, which was also aired in the new season of "Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta."
Erica Mena gave birth to her second child, Legend Brian Samuels, and days after the birth, she stayed in NICU with their son for ten days.
As a father of the child, Samuels got bashed on social media for posting celebrating in Jamaica for his birthday instead of being in the NICU with his wife and son.
Now in the latest episode of "Love and Hip Hop," which premieres new episodes months to sometimes a year after the events already happen, Mena announced that she is 23 weeks pregnant with their son. Samuels was found disinterested in the news.
Referring to Safire Majesty, Samuels told Mena, "I feel we just started getting the rhythm with Maje turning one, and we have to start all over again."