A big confrontation went down on the Big Brother live feeds Tuesday night, involving Aaryn and Elissa.

Week 4 Head of Household: Judd Daugherty

Week 4 Nominees: Aaryn Gries, GinaMarie Zimmerman & Kaitlin Barnaby

Other houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Candice Stewart, Elissa Slater, Helen Kim, Howard Overby, Jessie Kowalski, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson.

After the Veto ceremony Monday night, many of the houseguests strategized about evicting either Aaryn or Kaitlin on Thursday. Amanda, Andy, Helen and McCrae seemed to be in agreement that Kaitlin should be the one evicted because she's more of a threat in challenges. They even tried to convince Elissa that this was the right move.

However, Elissa had become enemies with Aaryn over the past few weeks to the point that she didn't want to even talk to her. Elissa agreed to vote out Kaitlin with the group of four, but her actions Tuesday night seemed to reflect her true intentions.

Elissa revealed to Kaitlin that a group of houseguests was planning on voting to evict her [Kaitlin] because they knew about her secret alliance with Howard and Spencer. Aaryn overheard this conversation and went to tell the rest of the houseguests about it.

Aaryn then confronted Elissa, saying that she always hears about Elissa talking about her. Elissa told Aaryn not to flatter herself. The conversation soon grew into a house-wide discussion, in which most of the houseguests participated.

Elissa confronted Kaitlin, asking her if she really was in an alliance with Howard and Spencer, but she would not reveal who told her such information. She then called out Judd as being a liar, which Judd later became angry about, saying that she "threw them under the bus."

Watch the entire confrontation here:

Later in the night, Andy, Jessie and McCrae had a discussion about Elissa, and none of them had kind words for her. Andy called her a "malfunctioning robot" in addition to a "selfish, crazy robot," while Jessie called her "the s****iest player in Big Brother history." Helen, who was at one time Elissa's biggest ally, talked to Amanda and McCrae and agreed that Elissa needed to go.

Wednesday night's episode of Big Brother will feature the MVP reveal, the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony. It will air at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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