Things We Wanted To Share With You This Weekend

Eric Idle once said, "Life doesn't make any sense, and we all pretend it does. Comedy's job is to point out that it doesn't make sense, and that it doesn't make much difference anyway." Valid point. So this weekend we are going to focus on giving you things that will make you laugh, things that will make you think and things that will make you wish you had a bodyguard. Click on the links in this post to get your treats.
With that said, earlier this week we told you, Hollywood is remaking Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner's classic movie The Bodyguard, well it looks like Lizzo wants to be Rachel Marron. I would actually pay money to see that.
The Met Gala was this week and while everyone else was focused on THE FASHION! I have been waiting for Daniel Arnold's photo gallery to drop in Vogue and it's here. His Instagram post was better than their post in my opinion.
Mark your calendars because on September 25th Netflix is will put on Tudum A Global Fan Event with a ton of talent, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Kevin Hart, John Cho, Jason Bateman, Millie Bobby Brown, Adam Sandler, Lilly Singh, Finn Woldhard and many many more. Also this is where the Tudum sound comes from.
It's important to remember that Neal Brennen didn't help make the Chappelle Show. He made the Chappelle Show.
Here is a formula for success that you can listen to while you head home from work.
Band Aids and Sunglasses are racists, but so are these 4 other things.
Netflix is getting sued over the Queen's Gambit but in other news Anya Taylor-Joy is on the cover of Vogue.
Every now and then there is a movie that comes out that capivates the attention of a few people. Then it becomes that movie that everyone says you should watch. I don't know if this will be that movie but The Humans trailer looks amazing.
Before I go I would like to point out that, Ted Lasso should win all the Emmys.
We also wrote about Dwyane Wade a lot this week, so it's fitting to leave on his some wise words from D-WADE. "I got into that Matrix in the 3rd and I felt like I couldn't miss." Us too. Us too.
Enjoy your weekend.