Here Are Your Favorite Sitcoms Based on Your Hogwarts House In The 'Harry Potter' Universe
October is finally here which means Halloween, witches, and wizards. How could you possibly think of witches and wizards without thinking about Harry Potter? The show about the young boy wizard has carried many of us through our lives. Some of us are adults that still have the wands of Dumbledore's Army mounted on the wall of our kitchen. (Psh...not me though. Psh...I would never). As Harry Potter is, in more ways than one, a lifestyle. I believe that aspects of the series can inform other decisions that we make. What should you eat for dinner? Well, that depends upon your patronus (mine is a badger). What should you wear today? Well, what position do you play on the Quidditch team? If you are looking for the sitcom you are going to watch right now, don't worry! Harry Potter is here to help. Here is which sitcom you should watch now based on your Hogwarts House.

Gryffindor - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

If you are a Gryffindor it means you are chivalrous and brave. The obvious show for any Gryffindor to sit down and enjoy is Brooklyn Nine-Nine. The show follows Brooklyn's 99th Police precinct. Not only are the characters, such as the iconic Jake Peralta played by SNL's Andy Samberg, constantly putting themselves in danger to help those around them (can you think of anything more Gryffindor?), but the show itself expertly tackles topics others are too afraid to address. As a show about police officers that just wrapped in the year 2021, the show has addressed racisim, homophobia, police brutality, sexual harassment and more with a confident hand, expert eye, and nack for brave, informative humor. So, if you're a Gryffindor, this is the show for you today!
Hufflepuff - Parks and Recreation

There is no character more loyal or hard working than Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler). Try to think of one. EXACTLY! YOU CAN'T! She will stick with and die for her team. She will also get everything on her to-do list done and still have time to eat a mountain of friendship waffles. If this doesn't sound like an exact description of a Hufflepuff's dream day, I don't think you've read the books or seen the movies. If you find yourself in the house of Helga Hufflepuff, sit yourself down now and check out all of the hilarity Parks and Recreation has to offer. Much like Leslie Knope, you definitely deserve a break!
Ravenclaw - New Girl

Ravenclaw is the house of intelligence and wit. There is no wittier than New Girl. The occupants of apartment 4D are constantly flinging expert witticisms back and forth. If there's anything a Ravenclaw loves, it's banter. (I speak from experience as a Ravenclaw, so you know that this one is correct). Furthermore, Jessica Day (Zooey DesChanel) is a total Ravenclaw. I think many would argue that she's actually a Hufflepuff, but she's not and I'll tell you why. While she is absolutely a loyal and true friend, she is more defined by her constant planning, overthinking, and (though often awkward) situational analysis. She is a reader, a writer, and a teacher. She leads with her head as much as she leads with her heart: TOTAL Ravenclaw move. Fellow Ravenclaws, if you want to argue with me, watch the show!
Slytherin - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Let me start by saying, Slytherins are great! They are not, as those more ignorant of the wizarding world commonly believe, evil. They are ambitious. They set goals that they work hard to achieve. A Slytherin will be successful. That's kind of their entire modus operandi! With this goal oriented, success inspired attitude, the obvious choice for a Slytherin sitcom is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. While I do not think the main character, Rebecca Bunch (Rachel Bloom), is a Slytherin, I believe the show is steeped in Slytherin energy. It's about, in it's simplest form, a woman that will do absolutely anything to get her high school ex back. Is there anything more Slytherin than that?

So if you're in the mood for a sitcom and are turning to Harry Potter for inspiration, these are the shows you should go with. Or, I mean, you could just watch any of the Harry Potter movies again. That actually sounds like a great idea. I'm going to go do that now. All of the Harry Potter films are streaming on HBO Max. You know that's where I'll be!