Tyga's actions after his release from jail on felony domestic abuse allegations were fascinating.

His girlfriend Camaryn Swanson, 31, has filed a police report, accusing him of assaulting her over the weekend, as Radar has previously revealed. When the police first approached Tyga, he declined to talk to them, but on Monday, he appeared at an LAPD station with his lawyer. Eventually, detectives decided they had enough evidence to arrest him after questioning him about the allegations. A $50,000 bond got him out of jail in a matter of hours after he was arrested.

A number of Radar's Camaryn's Instagram images had been liked by Tyga's Instagram account before to the 31-year-old rapper's arrest. He last expressed an interest in a post on October 2nd.

In the last several months, Tyga's Instagram account has double-tapped a number of her photos. After he was freed from jail, t he Rack City rapper seemed to have quickly untap all of them. As of the moment, none of Camaryn's photos were liked by Tyga. That's a quick job.

Soon after the event, Tyga's crew spread a rumor about him "cooperating" with the authorities in an attempt to gain an advantage. Some of Tyga's close friends have also tried to depict Camaryn as a hysterical lady who walked up unannounced at his residence and started shouting.

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In Camaryn's opinion, the tale told is a fabrication. Tyga allegedly asked her over at 3 a.m. She neither showed up screaming nor unannounced, She alleged that the rapper wanted her to be so much that he physically attacked her after she attempted to leave and refused to let her go for hours.

She shared a screenshot of a text message she allegedly had with the rapper in the early hours of the morning on social media, wherein it can be clearly seen that the rapper truly hurt her and that she was heartbroken as a result.

There is also no denyiing that some altercations took place. Camaryn had damning receipts.

She posted a photo of her with a nasty black eye as evidence and wrote, "I've been emotionally, mentally, and physically abused and I'm not hiding it anymore."

The police report noted officers observed "visible marks" on her neck as well. Tyga is yet to publicly comment on the issue. He'll face the court in February over this case.