Ashton Kutcher Did NOT Agree On This Parenting Tactic But Mila Kunis Is Giving Sound Motherly Advice

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, one of Hollywood's biggest and most adorable power couples, are known for having one of those rare stable, healthy celebrity relationships - but even a healthy relationship has disagreements, and Mila Kunis recently revealed one that they had over the parenting of their now seven-year-old daughter Wyatt when she was in preschool.
On The Ellen Degeneres' Show segment "Mom Confessions," Kunis revealed that once, when Wyatt came home from school, she told her mom that one of the other little boys had pushed her.
"I instinctually said, 'Did you push her back?'" and my daughter was like, 'No!' and I was like, 'You push her back next time. You push her back, and you say 'no thank you!' and you walk away."
This sounds like parenting advice that my parents might give (or at the very least my Dad, Mom would leave out the pushing), and a lot of you may be familiar with the same philosophy - we're not a parenting website, we're not here to judge your parenting - but Ashton Kutcher was apparently NOT on board with this tactic.
"I turned around and I saw Ashton's face and he was like, "???? NoOO!" but I was like, 'you stand up for yourself, and you say NO THANK YOU.' And I'm like 'Don't push him off of a ladder, or off of a swing, like or off of a slide, but on the ground, even Stephen? You push 'em back.'"
Kunis and Kutcher apparently rectified this disagreement later, because she immediately followed this story up with, "I'd say that's a parenting fail."
This isn't the only "parenting fail" people might accuse this couple of committing. Earlier this year there was a lot of talk about how often Mila Kunis bathed her children during the pandemic - to wit, not very often. She also talked about that incident on Ellen's show - but this one she was not as ready to call a fail.
"I wake up every day like, 'Today, 'I'm going to shower my kids.' And then bedtime happens, and I forgot to feed them...It's COVID. Who showered in COVID? We didn't leave the house. Who cares?"
Kunis' defense apparently rang true with a lot of moms, which was the reason this conversation sparked so hard in the first place. But anyone who's seen her movie Bad Moms knows that not only is this probably Classic Kunis Parenting - it's also probably really good parenting.