You Should be Scared to ABANDON This Film! Emma Roberts, Michael Shannon, and John Gallagher Jr. Toplining Spencer Squire's Upcoming Thriller 'Abandoned'
Spencer Squire's highly anticipated, first feature film Abandoned has just announced the three topline stars of the cast, and they are sure to make the movie unmissable! An exclusive with Deadline revealed that Emma Roberts, John Gallagher Jr., and Michael Shannon are going to lead this new thriller.

Abandoned, which tells the story of a family that moves into an old, mysterious history-laden farm house, is being jointly financed through Vertical Entertainment and Three Point Capital. Both organizations are looking to expand their film financing business. Peter Jarowey, a partner at Vertical Entertainment, told Deadline:
Abandoned is our first foray in this endeavor and we are extremely proud of the progress thus far...Marketing Vertical's fifth collaboration with producer Rob Barnum, the screenplay is terrific, and Spencer delivered an extremely frightening, yet relatable, feature brought to life by his incredible cast.

The incredible cast and writers speak for themselves. The script was written by Spencer Squire, Jessica Scott, and Erik Patterson. Scott and Patterson both worked as writers on Another Cinderella Story, Radio Rebel, and The Haunting Hour. This time tested collaboration is sure to breed success in this new thriller.
The multi-talented Roberts is also functioning as a producer on this film. She, through the years, has become a staple of the thriller and thriller-comedy genres. The actress has performed in shows such as American Horror Story, The Fate, and Scream Queens. Even with quirky rom-coms such as Holidate sprinkled into her resume, the 2007 Nancy Drew star has definitely continued down a path of mystery and intrigue. (Maybe airing just a LITTLE more on the side of frightening).

The other two topline actors are also attention grabbers. John Gallagher Jr., who appeared as Liam Dempsey in Westworld, and Michale Shannon, who was recently seen in the mini-series Nine Perfect Strangers, are both veteran actors who are sure to bring nuanced and powerful performances to Abandoned. In an interview with The Off Camera Show Michael Shannon once expressed:
What I want to insert into people's, you know, psyche or conscious or whatever is- is the story. It's not like it's not necessarily important to me that everyone walks away thinking 'Wow! Another phenomenal performance by my-' you know, I don't care but- but I do want the story.
This ideology falls in line with the spirit of Vertical Entertainment's and Three Point Capital's goal. Ali Jazayeri of Three Point Capital mentioned that, much like they were able to do:
with Abandoned, our financing strategy moving forward will be hyper-focused on the symmetry of art and commerce making sure that the ratio of story, talent (both in front of and behind the camera) and spend equates to a fantastic consumer experience that is beneficial to both Vertical's and Three Point's bottomline.
We can't wait to see what this project has in store.