Caitlyn Jenner Suffering From Health Problems After All The Plastic Surgeries She Got? [REPORT]

Caitlyn Jenner underwent many surgeries since she transitioned into a woman; however, all the procedures she's done in her body are now taking a toll on her physical well-being; how true is this?
According to a report published by the National Enquirer, the famed Olympian is having problems with her jaw, and she's desperate to get it done as soon as possible.
Jenner is reportedly having trouble with her uncontrollable saliva and is in desperate need of medical attention. An insider mentioned that the "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" star has a "bad bite," and it needs to be aligned by having her jaw "clamped and straightened."
The former gubernatorial hopeful is reportedly "slurring" her words, "drooling and spitting," which is not on purpose.
Why Is Caitlyn Jenner Suffering From Jaw Misalignment?
The reason behind her jaw misalignment is because of all the plastic surgery she received for her facial feminization.
Bones in her face were "removed or inserted" and "got things out of whack with her jaw,"
Kylie and Kendall's parent is reportedly stressed after losing the campaign in the recent elections. She's also been eating junk food and candy, which doesn't help her situation at all as it's given her a "mouthful of pain."
Is Caitlyn Jenner Ready For Another Surgery To Correct Her Jaw?
The source mentioned that the surgery Jenner needed is "agonizing," but she's up for the task as she's already in "a lot of pain."
There are also some parts of her body that a knife hasn't touched, so "it will be worth it."
Jenner has wanted to get dental work since she transitioned to give her the complete feminine look. The source suggests that the TV star may get her teeth done and have jaw surgery simultaneously.
Caitlyn Jenner Suffering From Health Problems Rumors Debunked
After the report was published, Suggest debunked the issue by saying there's no evidence to prove that Jenner has been suffering from any health problems after transitioning.
In addition, the outlet pointed out that the "KUWTK" star underwent facial feminization over half a decade ago, and if she's feeling pain for the past few years, she would have addressed the issue sooner.
Furthermore, Jenner previously told People Magazine that she has "no regrets" about everything she's done in her body because she's happy when she wakes up in the morning.