DEFINITELY NOT A REBOOT! Andy Samberg and John Mulaney Take to Twitter on Disney+ Day to Make it Clear That Their New Film 'Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers' is a Comeback, Not a Reboot!

Happy Disney+ Day! On this day full of massive Disney trailer drops and title announcements, we were thrilled to see that two of our favorite funny stars took to the Disney+ Twitter account to give us some news on a project we can't wait for! World reknown comedian John Mulaney and Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Andy Samberg announced this morning that they are teaming up for a new movie Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers.
We’re seeing double with John @Mulaney ‘n @AndySamberg! 🐿🐿 #DisneyPlusDay #RescueRangers
— Disney+ (@DisneyPlus) November 12, 2021
As you may be thinking, and as Samberg addresses in the video, "'Another reboot?! No!' But our film isn't a reboot. It's a comeback." I'm pretty sure that's just comedian for "reboot", but we are excited either way! Plus it's starring The Comeback Kid himself, so we can be sure that this will be an unforgettable adventure! The two defend that the upcomming film is in fact a comeback for it was written down on a comedically small (arguably chipmunk sized) script. Mulaney quips, "It was shockingly hard to read, but we got through it!"

In the upcoming film Andy Samberg will be playing Dale while John Mulaney will be playing Chip. This dynamic duo will be joined by Corey Burton who will be playing Zipper. Burton was part of the original Chip and Dale series. He original voiced Dale, but will be returning to this comeback (not reboot) in a new role. The rest of the cast has yet to be announced, but word has been spread that Seth Rogan will be participating.

We can't wait to see this reboot...excuse me...comeback when it comes out!!