Doctor Strange 2 Re-shoots Might Have To Due With The Success of Spider-Man: No Way Home

After a stellar weekend at the box office, racking in over 1.1 billion worldwide, Spider-Man: No Way Home and, not to mention Loki on Disney+, the use of the multiverse trope is changing the way Marvel will move forward on future projects.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, there have already been significant re-shoots for the upcoming Sam Raimi directed sequel Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Many of the decisions seem to be due to the success marvel has had with characters skittering between different variations of timelines and universes. With Doctor Strange's involvement in No Way Home, who better to really lean into this popular concept.

One of the more fun rumors is that long time Raimi collaborating actor Bruce Campbell might be in the film as Ash from The Evil Dead franchise, but more than likely would play a variant of Mysterio from another universe. Either way, his cameo is a welcome addition to the new Doctor Strange flick.
Marvel never ceases to amaze with their innovative approach to storytelling and the new Phases of the MCU could be a thing to behold in the coming years.
Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group, Tom Rothman had this to say about the rampant success of Spider-Man,
This weekend's historic Spider-Man: No Way Home results, from all over the world and in the face of many challenges, reaffirm the unmatched cultural impact that exclusive theatrical films can have when they are made and marketed with vision and resolve. All of us at Sony Pictures, are deeply grateful to the fabulous talent, both in front of and behind the camera, that produced such a landmark film. Thanks to their brilliant work, this Christmas everyone can enjoy the big screen gift of 2021's mightiest Super Hero -your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is due to hit theaters May 6, 2022