"Making Lemonade out of Covid Lemons!" David Byrne Announces Special 'Unplugged and Unchained' Adaptation of Broadway Show in Light of the Pandemic!
As the Omicron variant spreads like wildfire, Broadway shows are feeling the heat. Within the past twenty-four hours, the hit musical Six extended it's dark period into the beginning of January, keeping it firmly on the ever-growing list of shows burnt by this new variant.
This list also includes Tony Award winning Moulin Rouge, The Lion King, Hadestown, Hamilton, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Aladdin, and Ain't Too Proud.
These self-imposed shut downs, as opposed to government-mandated shut downs, are supposed to be temporary measures to help stop the spread of the virus in New York City, and all predict to be lifted aorund early Januray.
Several of these shows maintain plans to re-open within the next few days in spite of worsening conditions. David Byrne: American Utopia, however, has other plans.

While many in the cast and band of the show have tested positive for Covid-19, this unique performance will, in the words of Byrne himself, be making, "lemonade out of Covid lemons."
Rather than closing production, the remaining team will be performing an Unplugged and Unchained version of the show. In this new version, Byrne will be performing some songs from American Utopia alongside several songs from his Talking Heads time.This unique show, born out of a crisis, is a special event that will only be running on December 29 at 8PM, December 30 at 5PM and 9PM, January 1 at 5PM, and January 2 at 3PM.
(Now, this is a new variant we can get behind!)
The performer took to Instagram to advertise this unique adaptation.
Bryne has taken this time of trouble and turned it into one of the most highly-anticipated events of the holiday season (especially for Talking Heads...heads).
A sneak peak of the set list was also released on the show's official Instagram page. This small taste of the show has fans excited to buy tickets, and anxious for more.
This is the optimistic revitilization that the Broadway world needs right now. Tensions have been running high as the virus once again seems to threaten to shut down an entire industry - but in doing this, Bryne shows Broadway that there is hope. Though times may be difficult, we reassess, regroup, and move forward with our heads held high!