Betty White Cause of Death Debated? Representative Warns Against Politicizing Icon's Shocking Passing

Despite her passing at a ripe age of 99, fans are beyond saddened. Many believe Betty White has gone too soon, being an icon that she is. In fact, there were already plans to celebrate her 100th birthday, which is already around the corner.
Her passing was quite shocking given how just a few days ago, she just said she's beyond blessed to have reached her age, happy and healthy.
The official cause of death, revealed days after her passing was said to be natural causes. However, there were people who cannot help but politicize her death, which is quite uncalled for, her representative says. There are actually some who have been speculating that she died of getting a COVID-19 booster shot. Given the state of pandemic right now, relentless and ongoing, some are likely to fall prey into these speculations, especially those who have never believed in the effectiveness of vaccines.
"Betty died peacefully in her sleep at her home," the agent, Jeff Witjas said in a statement to PEOPLE on Monday. Contrary to rumors, he said White did not pass away after getting her third jab on December 28.
"People are saying her death was related to getting a booster shot three days earlier, but that is not true. She died of natural causes," he told the magazine. He added, "Her death should not be politicized - that is not the life she lived."
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Radar learned about the speculations via the LAPD, which granted the magazine access to confidential information. On approximately 9:30 AM on Friday, police arrived at White's $5 million mansion to investigate whether there had been any foul play. In the course of their investigation, authorities revealed that they had not found any evidence of foul play in connection with the death of the Hollywood legend. In addition, cops disclosed to Radar that the responding police remained on the scene until White's body was taken away by the funeral home.
Police officers at White's mansion were photographed wearing gloves in photos shot from the outside. Also, flowers were seen outside her gate by neighbors as a mark of respect.
On January 17th, White was due to celebrate his 100th birthday. The humorous actress is also set to appear on the cover of PEOPLE's January 2022 issue. This is now considered by some as the worst-timed photo in history. White's contagious smile was on full display on the cover of the magazine. This would be the final time she will ever do a photoshoot.
When it came to aging, White confessed that it was laughter rather than veggies that kept her youthful as she approached the age of 100. "I'm so lucky to be in such good health and feel so good at this age," Betty told PEOPLE. "It's amazing."