'God' rapper Kendrick Lamar Teams With 'Book Of Mormon' Creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker On A New Civil War Inspired Comedy Film

A new comedy is coming to Paramount Pictures, and you will be counting down the days until you see it!
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The confidence surrounding Chatman's script is warrented. He has won four Emmy and Peabody awards for writing. His expertice at his craft is apparent in his other works such as The Shivering Truth and Wonder Showzen. Wonder Showzden was known for its irreverent humor. Some episodes of the show never made it to air. In an interview Chatman once reflected on an episode that was never seen by the public eye. "It was like a little kid crying after a whole thing about veterans being treated like garbage and everything. And then we had the image of a burning flag, animated in the reflection of a child's tear, and they cut that." We can be certain that Chatman has written this same flare into this new untitled script!