John Mayer Has Gone Above And Beyond To Pay Tribute To Good Friend Bob Saget

With all of the heartfelt stories about what a loyal friend late comedian Bob Saget was to so many, one story in particular sticks out about just how good a friend he truly was.
Musician John Mayer went above and beyond to show respect to not only his good buddy, but also Saget's family. As reported by People, Mayer chartered a private plane to bring home the body of Bob Saget back to California from Florida where he passed away in a hotel room at the age of 65 while on a comedy tour.
But the generosity didn't end there. It was also revealed that Mayer and comedian Jeff Ross went together to LAX to retrieve Saget's car for his family as well. The two friends took to Instagram while driving to the airport to express their love for the man who meant so much to them. Mayer said this in his tearful tribute,
"I've never known a human being on this earth who could give that much love, individually and completely, to that many people in a way that made each person feel like he was a main character in their life and they were a main character in his life. Everyone is so aware how universal Bob's love for people was. The thing that just keeps coming up when people say they're sorry is just, 'I loved that guy.'"
To even further show his respect, Mayer also posted an image of a hoodie on Instagram which displayed Saget's name across the chest. The shirts are being sold to raise money for Scleroderma Research Foundation, an organization Saget supported when his sister Gay passed away from. Mayer added this to the post,
"Bob Saget worked tirelessly to raise awareness and money for the Scleroderma Research Foundation, a cause that was so close to his heart. That's why I asked @deansnuts and @littlepatterns to help design this hoodie to keep both his memory and the enduring fight for a cure alive. It's available now. All proceeds go to @srfcure, link is in bio."
It is absolutely amazing to see the outpouring of love and respect being shown by so many in order to bring to light what truly wonderful person Bob Saget was.