[SLIDESHOW] 'Pam & Tommy' Producers Tried to Get Pamela Anderson Involved! This Was The Response!

Pam & Tommy, the new Hulu series chronicling the scandalous story of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee's released sex tape, did everything they could to get Anderson involved in the process.
The Pam & Tommy story is one that the producers could not believe had not already made the transition to television. An EW article quotes show-runner Rob Siegel exclaiming, "It's just one of those stories that you can't believe hasn't already been made into a movie or a TV show." They started looking for the rights back when an article about the full and true story behind the events was published in Rolling Stone. "The article was [from] 2014, and it's kind of amazing that it was still out there and it wasn't snatched up that first day came out. To me, it screams limited series." Now, that cry is being answered.
While this series is a comprehensive tell-all, the producers have worked hard to ensure that Anderson is not disrespected through the process. They have tried to reach out to her to get her involved numerous times, each time being met with silence. This, however, does not stop the positive, public assumption that Anderson and Lee are in fact involved with the series. Siegal continued to amend that:
"when I bring up the subject of the tape and that I was doing a show about it, I was shocked by how many people assumed that [Anderson and Lee] were in on it, which is something I'm happy that we were able to set the record straight about. We very clearly, unambiguously present them as the victims of a crime, which they were."
This story will tell these historic events from the side of the victims which, strangely, has not been the case for years. The detailed care everyone has put into the show is clear in the pictures below, showing Sebastian Stan and Lily James bearing a striking likeness to the two. We are excited to see this show. Pam & Tommy officially airs on February 2nd, 2022.