IT'S FAN THEORY TIME!! Are Rihanna and ASAP Rocky Expecting TWINS? Here's Why We Think So!

News of Rihanna and ASAP Rocky's expected baby took the world by storm yesterday. Or should we say...expected BABIES? It is important to note that this is purely speculation (but, speculation we think we are right about none the less!) Based on some of the poses in these impressively high quality pictures, our sleuthing skills have left us wondering if Rihanna and ASAP Rock are, in fact, expecting twins!
First of all: the couple's color scheme is a cool but quesiton posing one. While the gender dynamics of the world have become infinitely more open and complex, for these purposes we would like to draw your attention to the fact that Rihanna and ASAP are wearing pink and blue: the colors traditionally associated with girls and boys. Could it be a coincidence? Sure. Could it be a nod to not knowing what the gender of their child is? Absolutely.
HOWEVER! What we believe to be the MOST likely explanation, is that the two know that that they are having both a boy AND a girl. The amount of care that went into these photos means that an equal amount of care and consideration went into the outfits they are wearing. They were intentional, and we think this is why.
Also, in terms of Rihanna's outfit specifically, a lot of it seems to be in twos. Her jeans have rips in both knees. Her belt goes down in two swoops on either side. Again, it could be a coincidence, but we think the two are heading for Twin Town!
Also, look at the way they're smiling at each other! That is the smile of two people that are keeping a secret. That secret is that they are going to have twins.
We will keep you up on this theory as we amass more evidence!