Elizabeth Lyn Vargas, one of the former cast members of The Real Housewives of Orange County, is lucky to have made it out alive, and there is new video footage to prove it.

Vargas's ex-boyfriend, Ryan Geraghty, began to extort her and locked herself in her house. A source told Page Six that, "He became obsessive with her and would show up at places and come by her house randomly...He asked her for money all the time, so she gave him a little money, but then threatened to start extorting her."

This crisis came to a head just yesterday when the ex came into the apartment, holding a gun, holding Vargas hostage. According to an article on TMZ, he burst into the room and yelled, "I'm taking you out, and then everybody else. They can shoot me if they want. I don't give a f**k anymore, I've got nothing to lose."

Vargas had called the police to turn in Geraghty for extortion, but when they arrived it was clear they were dealing with a hostage situation. The ex said, "Bring the big boys, how f**king dare you." After a stand-off with police, Elizabeth Lyn Vargas was rescued and Ryan Geraghty, around 7:40 PM, was taken into custody.

Video security footage was acquired of the event. Shaken but in good spirits, Vargas she sang, "I'm a survivor." She carried on to say that she is, "doing better than expected. Because I have great people around me. A really close system of positive people, and that's what needs to happen." The entire video can be seen here.

We are very glad that Elizabeth Lyn Vargas is out safely.