Super Bowl Sunday is around the corner which means the new Super Bowl commercials are coming soon (and, I mean, isn't that why we are all there anyway?) Just yesterday, a commercial was released for Uber Eats featuring Jennifer Coolidge eating paper towels and Gwyneth Paltrow eating her vagina candle which is...strange? Well, strange, but memorable!

The Super Bowl commercials are absolutely iconic. At this point, they are barely even commercials any more. They are memorable mini films that leave people laughing for years to come. While everyone definitely has their favorites, here are our top thirteen most memorable Super Bowl commercials of all time.

1. Hyundai

From the comedy to the cast, this Hyundai commercial is one for the ages. The commercial features John Krasinski, Rachel Dratch, Chris Evans, and David Ortiz to sell the car's at the time new feature, Smart Park (referred to by the cast as "Smaht Pahk")! Hilarious!

2. Rocket Mortgage

Of course if Tracey Morgan is in your commercial, it is going to be a great one. This hilarious Rocket Mortgage add features Tracy Morgan pointing out to a couple, in a way that only he can, that "pretty sure" is never good enough.

3. Doritos (Ultrasound)

This 2016 Doritos commercial was an instant classic. The acting reads more like a Saturday Night Live sketch than a commercial. It proves conclusively that people at all ages love Doritos. It also makes you really hungry for Doritos...

4. M&M's

The message of coming together is a beautiful and important one. Of course, this M&M commercial comes with a sardonic, modern twist. Using his impeccable Schitt's Creek style humor, Dan Levy proves that people should come together...but it's really hard to give up an M&M.

5. Evian

The Evian dancing baby commercial is one of the most iconic of all time. Why? I legitimately could not tell you, but it's SO FUN TO WATCH!

6. Budweiser (Frogs)

There is just something about watching a lot of frogs come together to say, "Budweiser," that has a way of sticking in the minds of many for years to come. I think it's also because the frogs work together to start saying it. Super Bowl? Teamwork? You love to see it.

7. Go Daddy

Yeah, we remember this matter how hard we try to forget it...

8. Air Nike

This is potentially THE most classic Super Bowl commercial of them all. This original commercial team-up of Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan served as the basis for the iconic film Space Jam. Also, the 90s were clearly lawless. I mean, look at how long this commercial is!

9. Budweiser (Wassap)

That's right. Budweiser is making this list for a second time. This commercial has been referenced in television shows, movies, normal conversations. It is still referenced today, which you know means that it is an excellent commercial. To that we just have to say WASSSAP!

10. ETrade

One of the keys to making a memorable Super Bowl commercial? A baby apparently! This ETrade commercial, featuring the unforgettable ETrade baby, reminds us that using ETrade is so easy that a baby could do it.

11. Alexa

This Alexa ad really toes that fine line between commercial and full-length movie I would really love to watch. In this hilariously stakes commercial, Alexa loses her voice and is replaced by celebrities including Gordon Ramsay, Rebel Wilson, Cardi B, and Sir. Anthony Hopkins. It goes exactly as well as you think it would.

12. Doritos (Middle Seat)

Of course Doritos had to make the list twice. Honestly, it was hard not to make this entire list Doritos commercials. This one, similarly to the last, really reads like a Saturday Night Live sketch. It starts with a man, selfishly on a quest, and ends with him being duped. Do you know what else it has? A BABY!! I'm really seeing a pattern here.

13. Snickers

Finally, for the creme-de-la-creme of Super Bowl commercials, possibly my personal favorite of all time, is this classic Snickers add. It features the late great Betty White playing football, which already sounds like you are describing a fever dream to a friend. It boasts the famous Snicker's tagline, "You're not you when you're hungry." The only problem with the ad is that if I turned into Betty White when I was hungry, I don't think I would ever eat again.

This list could quite literally run on forever. We can't wait to see what awesome commercials come around this year. Who knows? Maybe we'll even stick around for some of the game!

Super bowl, John Krasinski, Chris Evans, Tracy Morgan, Dan Levy, Schitt's Creek, Michael Jordan, Space jam, Gordon Ramsay, Rebel wilson, Cardi B, Jennifer Coolidge, Gwyneth Paltrow, Betty White