The words "I'm here" have never sounded as chilling as they do in the trailer for Steven Sonderbergh's upcoming thriller KIMI, starring Zoe Kravitz.

KIMI is about what happens when an agoraphobic tech analyst who listens to streamed recordings from smart devices here's something more than what someone wants for dinner - something like a premeditated murder. And when the company she works for and the authorities all try to gaslight her, attempting to convince her that she never heard anything, we can see how ever-present technology can create just as many problems as it solves, if not more.

Director Steven Sonderbergh - recently featured in the news for a misunderstood quote about superhero sex - told Entertainment Weekly that this theme was integral to his vision for the film.

"I just wish [technology] solved things that need to be solved. It's just solving problems that aren't problems, like where the nearest sushi restaurant is. We don't need to solve that. We need to solve Syria. So that's my frustration. It's so powerful and ubiquitous, but it doesn't solve anything we need to solve."

Despite his the fears of ever-present assistants always listening to you, Sonderbergh admitted he still owns one of those devices himself. His leading lady Zoe Kravitz, however, stays far away from the stuff.

"I have a bandaid over my camera on my computer, I don't have my Siri on, and I get freaked out when I talk about wanting sushi and all of a sudden there's an ad for sushi on my phone. It freaks me out. And so I think that this just made me feel like I wasn't being completely absurd for feeling that way."

After a year inside, we can all probably relate to her character, Angela Childs, with her agoraphobia and paranoia about the world around her.

"I think because of the pandemic as well, I think it's interesting that more people could relate to this character than's not just about a person with a kind of disorder or very specific view of the world. We've all now gone through this thing and I think it's really comforting to see the way that it might really deeply affect a lot of us. I think there's this expectation to just kind of get back to work and go back to normal. And it might not be that easy for everybody, and hopefully, they'll find a little bit of comfort in seeing a character like Angela."

You can see Kravitz as Angela Childs when KIMI lands on HBO Max. Watch the trailer below.

Zoe Kravitz