In Honor of Zendaya: Here Are 11 Videos of Celebrities Falling - Don't Worry Babe, You're Not Alone

Ok, yes, Zendaya took a bit of a dramatic fall - a skid, if you will - on her way from her car to the front door of wherever she happened to be going that day. Luckily, her team caught her before she ever completely hit the ground - admittedly making for a funnier image, but nonetheless preventing any serious harm to the actress.
Well, don't worry Zendaya, you're not alone - you may be one out of the eleven on this list, but here's ten other stars who have had falls like yours - or even more dramatic.
This is so funny - Shaq was just getting really really into it in this one episode of Inside The NBA, and he hilariously even loses his shoe - don't worry though, this guy was a pro athlete - big as he is, he knows how to take a fall.
Katy Perry
This fall was the gift that kept on giving. During a live performance of "I Kissed A Girl," Katy Perry jumped fully into a cake - then later in her performance, literally slipped and fell like a cartoon a million times and couldn't get back up, even with help. (She was laughing the whole time.)
Jennifer Lawrence
Talk about the queen of falls - Jennifer Lawrence is known to be clumsy, but her most famous tumble was probably on her way to accept, of all things, her Oscar for Best Actress. (Hey, look at that dress, can you really blame her?)
Lady Gaga
THIS is why we don't do unchoreographed stunts with fans, Lady Gaga. People could get hurt.
But seriously, no worries, nobody was hurt in the making of this very funny video - Gaga even reached out to the fan and reassured him later in the concert that they had simply "fallen into each others' arms."
Drake is another clumsy guy with a few falls to his name - did all that time in a wheelchair on Degrassi make him a little worse at walking? Like he just lost practice?
Shawn Mendes
Shawn Mendes just fully misjudged the distance from the stage to the ground here, falling flat on his butt - but don't worry, he pops right back up.
Harry Styles
Harry Styles didn't even have just one video of him falling down. They were all compilations. This dude falls a lot - don't even worry, Zendaya.
Chevy Chase (as Gerald Ford)
An oldie but a goodie - "Gerald Ford fell down a lot" is literally the way this particular President is remembered in the Animaniacs song about all the Presidents - and Chevy Chase really capitalized on it on SNL.
Megan Trainor
This is one of the best ones - we disagree with the video terming this a "FAIL" because it's honestly so perfect - Megan Trainor just falls down, continues to lay on the ground, and Jimmy Fallon lies down next to her in a show of very Fallon-esque solidarity.
Kelsey Grammer
This is possibly the funniest one because he's trying to be so serious, this Frasier guy, Kelsey Grammer, talking about his very serious trip - and then he takes another serious trip, directly off the stage. Even funnier is the way he tries to immediately brush it off even though he just....completely fell off the stage.