Hey, Has Anyone Else Noticed That Miley Cyrus and Awkwafina Sound Exactly Alike?

You know Miley Cyrus - she was Hannah Montana for Disney well into her young adulthood, she swung naked on a wrecking ball in a music video, she got down and dirty with a foam finger at the VMAs, and she co-hosted NBC's New Year's Eve party with Pete Davidson this year.
You surely at least know her songs; "Party in the USA," "Wrecking Ball," "Can't Be Tamed," etc. Her signature raspy, slightly twangy voice has transitioned from country to pop, and now to a more punk rock sound in some of her newer music.
It's a distinctive voice...yet we can't help but feel like we've heard it...somewhere else.
Uhh, holy crap.
Do Awkwafina and Miley Cyrus sound exactly the same!?
For those not in the know: Awkwafina is an actress, rapper, and comedian, known for roles in films like Crazy Rich Asians and Ocean's Eight. She has a distinctive, sort of chaotic dudebro energy to her - honestly also not all that different than current Miley Cyrus, just with less of that Holywood polish - especially on her show Nora from Queens, which is loosely based on her own life.
They even sound alike when they do music, a little bit - check out this video of Awkwafina's breakout hit, "My Vag" (we did say she's a rapper AND a comedian):
Okay, now listen to Miley rap in this:
Uhhhhhhh, oh my gosh. Is there a collab in their future? Have they even met? If they haven't, one of their agents or managers needs to get on that ASAP. Let's be real, they'd probably love each other - but also, that song would probably be stupendous.