There's Going To Be NEW Dr. Suess Books! New Seuss Studios Venture To Use Unpublished Illustrations In New Books

Dr. Seuss may not be coming back from the grave anytime soon, but those who love him are finding another way to keep his memory alive.
Today, on the late, great author's birthday, and about a year after Seuss Enterprises announced that they were pulling books with overt racial themes and issues, (causing one of the stupidest overreaction parties Fox News has ever had,) they're kind of doing the opposite: They just announced that they'll be printing new Dr. Seuss books.
You're not crazy - the beloved children's author did die in 1991. The new books will be based on unpublished illustrations that the author made before he died. They'll be given to, according to the foundation, an "inclusive community of authors and illustrators," which will form what they are now calling Seuss Studios.
Unpublished sketches by Dr. Seuss will serve as the inspiration for a new series of children’s books to be written and illustrated by a diverse group of artists, the company overseeing the author’s estate said.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 3, 2022
"We look forward to putting the spotlight on a new generation of talent who we know will bring their unique voices and style to the page, while also drawing inspiration from the creativity and imagination of Dr. Seuss," said Susan Brandt, president and CEO of Dr. Seuss Enterprises.
Now, you may be taking this announcement with several grains of salt - it is, after all, hard to faithfully replicate the style of a creator as beloved and iconic as Seuss. But just remember: We got movies like The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast from unpublished drawings and outlines that Walt Disney made before he died. These new books could be just as amazing.
We're looking forward to seeing what the new Seuss Studios will create!