Which Version Of Batman/Bruce Wayne Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Everyone's freaking out about Robert Pattinson in The Batman right now, and with good reason. The Twilight actor's take on the character is so singular and so compelling that we doubt he'll be referred to as "the Twilight actor" that often for much longer - his performance truly changes the game for this iconic character, and he and director Matt Reeves should very proud.
But of course, there's really no definitive performance of Batman - each movie and each new actor has brought a completely different energy to the role. Heck, sometimes the difference between Bruce Wayne and Batman is distinct enough that it's almost like these actors are playing two characters.
Ever wonder which one you're most like? We can help - we made this handy dandy list matching each different iteration of Batman (and Bruce Wayne) with a zodiac sign. Which one are you?
Aries: Ben Affleck
There's really not all that much distinction between Bruce Wayne and Batman in the films starring Ben Affleck, mostly because they needed so much time to focus on other heroes - but either way, this guy is a total hothead and well-suited to be called an Aries. Independent, straightforward...and a bit foolhardy and rash, which is exactly what you have to be to get into a misguided fight with Superman.
Taurus: Val Kilmer's Bruce Wayne
Val Kilmer's version of Bruce Wayne is kind, patient, practical, down-to-earth, and a really good BatDad to his protege Robin in Batman Forever. For that reason, he represents all the Tauruses on this list - he tries so hard to reccommend peace to everyone he speaks to, even though it usually doesn't go that way for him.
Gemini: Christian Bale's Batman
The range on this guy! He goes from "nice coat" to "SWEAR TO ME!!" From witty, on-the spot humor to full-on intensity with the flip of a switch. Bale's Batman knows when to have fun and when to get serious about things - but when he gets serious, everyone had better watch out - just like a Gemini.
Cancer: George Clooney's Batman
This poor guy looks so awkward and out of place in so many of the scenes in this movie - he just kinda makes a face and moves on. He also gets Cancer points for how hard he thirsts after Poison Ivy in this one...we know she's using a plant pheremone to seduce him, but even still, only a Cancer simps like that.
Leo: Michael Keaton's Batman
This guy is so much about showmanship it's insane. He really does love a good entrance and a perfectly placed send-off line, and he will NOT put up with anyone's BS. Michael Keaton's Batman is a Leo for sure.
Virgo: Val Kilmer's Batman
Kilmer's Batman is kind of like the opposite of Keaton's in terms of showmanship - when all his enemies are being unnecessarily flashy, this Batguy knows that one swift kick will get the job done just fine. He's much more about his duty than any of that - plus, again, this guy is BatDad to a rambunctious Robin (by not letting him fight at all, a super protective move), and Virgo is very much a parental sign.
Libra: George Clooney's Bruce Wayne
George Clooney's Wayne is smooth and smart - even when he is a little corny. He's more about keeping the status quo and keeping up appearances than being overly flashy (he leaves that to the rest of Gotham), but he's all about civility, harmony...and a little bit of seduction. Very Libra of him.
Scorpio: Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne doesn't really exist. He does make outside appearances in the film, but it almost looks like it pains him to be seen every time - that persona isn't quite there yet. So he's all Batman - and that Batman is a total Scorpio. Just full-on intensity turned up to 11, broody as all hell, yet incredibly passionate and sensitive.
Sagittarius: Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne
If there were ever an Ultimate Party Bruce, it's Christian Bale's version. This guy is probably the smoothest and most sociable of the bunch, an incredibly confident flirt that flashes his money around and loves it when people have a good time - it's easily the most separate persona from his Batman that we've seen from any of these actors. (This party guy won Sagittarius when he bought a whole restaurant just so the girls he brought with him could swim in its fountain.)
Capricorn: Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne
Keaton's Bruce Wayne is smooth and unbothered by literally everything. He takes it all in stride, paving things over with money and favors, and never calling anyone out - just letting his gaze do the talking for him. Classy, practical, and incredibly smart - just like any Capricorn, this Bruce knows what he's about.
Aquarius: Adam West's Batman
Of course, how could we forget the original Batman? Adam West was nothing like those other guys - he was quick, suave, witty, and always knew where to come in with a punny punchline. He's also super methodical about explaining the bonkers way he figures stuff out. He's just a little bit strange, different and out there, but with a strong sense of justice - and if that's not an Aquarius, we don't know what is.
Pisces: Adam West's Bruce Wayne
This is where the image of billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne came from, but playboy used to mean a very different thing, apparently, because this man is cheesy as all hell. He's super poetic and romantic, sometimes even showing more sensitivity than the girls he has on his arm - that's a Pisces, for sure.