"What? Like It's Hard?" Renee Zellweger Reveals She Pulled a Full 'Legally Blonde' And Went to Law School During Acting Hiatus

Renee Zellweger used her time off from acting to go to school to study law.
The transformative actress who is recently starring in the true-crime based series The Thing About Pam used her time off from acting to her best advantage. Zellweger used it to study law at UCLA. It looks like Kim Kardashian is not the only one who made her way to law school! According to an article on The Hollywood Reporter, Zellweger is not even sure that she wants to become a lawyer. She is just incredibly passionate about law.
On the Today Show, she spoke about this excitement she has for the topic. "It's one of my favorite things. I'll bore you to death at a dinner party. Don't get me started ... ask any of my friends." Her specific area of interest is in international law. Honestly, is there anything Renee Zellweger can't do!
Her break from acting was not due to the pandemic. She decided to take a six year break from the craft to be a person and explore other facets of life. Zellweger remarked to THR, "I wanted to grow...If you don't explore other things, you wake up 20 years later and you're still that same person who only learns anything when she goes out to research a character. You need to grow!" If her embarking on this lawschool adventure isn't growth, we don't know what is!
Acting hiatus very much over, be sure to check out Renee Zellweger on the show The Thing About Pam.