'Black Panther' Director Ryan Coogler Wrongly Arrested For Bank Robbery While Filming In Atlanta Georgia

The Bank of America has had to apologize to Black Panther director Ryan Coogler after briefly having him arrested for attempted bank robbery back in January.
No, Coogler was not attempting to rob the bank. Here's what happened:
Coogler walked into the Atlanta bank to make a large withdrawal, wearing a light green hoodie, black beanie, sunglasses, and a regular covid face mask. He handed the bank teller - a pregnant Black woman, according to reports - the following note along with his withdrawal slip:
"I would like to withdraw $12,000 cash from my checking account. Please do the money count somewhere else. I'd like to be discreet."
The teller, unfortunately, was severely confused about the nature of the note, and when her computer flagged the large withdrawal as an unusual transaction, the teller told her boss that Coogler was trying to rob the bank.
The police arrived and handcuffed Coogler, as well as the two men in his SUV, parked outside. Naturally, he was irate, making sure to get all the badge numbers of all the officers involved - but in the end, the cops realized that there was no robbery, only a very confused bank teller.
Even still...yikes.