Ryan Coogler, the director of the film Black Panther, was arrested yesterday after trying to take money out of his own account, and now we have some video footage of the event.

The director went to Bank of America in Atlanta yesterday to make a withdrawal of $12,000 cash from his account. So as not to draw attention to himself, he wrote the request on a note, asking the teller to, "be discrete." The bank teller then, through some untraceable A to Z thinking, assumed that the bank was being robbed. The police were alerted, and the director was soon arrested. The body cam footage shows the events of the arrest.

An audio recording of the bank teller's call to 911 has also been released. In it, the 911 opperator seems unconvinced that there is a robbery taking place, but she was required to send the police anyway.

In the recording, you hear the woman speaking to the bank teller skeptically asking her questions about the claim. "Is he an actual customer, or is he trying to rob the bank?" The teller then went on to clarify that Coogler had a debit card and ID- all things that a real bank customer and not a robber maketh. The call even ended with the woman plainly saying, "He might just want to be discrete, but I have police in round."

When the 911 operator does not even believe there is a robbery taking place, maybe you should take a moment to think about it.

Ryan Coogler, Black Panther, Arrest