Heidi Montag Eats Raw Animal Organs in Hopes of Conceiving a Child! (Read This to Unpack That!)

When it comes to boosting fertility, Heidi Montag is willing to try anything: even eating raw animal organs.
Trying to conceive a child can be a difficult process that often goes unspoken of. People try a number of different things while trying to get pregnant, and because, even in 2022, the subject somehow remains relatively taboo, information about what people are trying often goes untalked of and unseen. However, star Heidi Montag is flipping that narrative, openly expressing the various things she is trying. The most notable? Eating raw animal organs.
According to an article on People, she was caught by a photographer, walking down the street with a Ziploc bag, munching away on an animal organ. The openness with which is is trying various methods is honestly inspiring. She shared that:
"I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half, I'm willing to try different things...It's a great source of nutrients! I have felt incredible on this diet. A lot more energy, clarity, increased libido, and overall improvement on chronic pain I have had. Also now I've been taking the supplements called 'Her Package' from Heart and Soil that has improved my menstrual cycle."
The Hills: New Beginnings star also mentioned that "I love trying new things!"
We wish Montag the best of luck on her endeavours! We hope it works!