PAUSE THE ALARM! Sandra Bullock is NOT Retiring! Here's What IS Happening!

Sandra Bullock would like to make it clear that she is not retiring.
Bullock will undoubtably go down in history as one of the greatest actresses of our time. From her I-can-do-anything acting range to her shape-shifting ability to transform to her multiple-top-rated-Netflix-films status, she can do anything. That is why, when rumors started to circulate that the phenom was retiring from acting, fans quickly found themselves up in arms. However, an exclusive on People reassures us that this is not the case.

The star told People that she is definitively not retiring. She is, however, taking a break from the big screen so that she can spend more time with her children. She said, "I'm not retiring, just going to not spend time in front of the camera for a while...I have beautiful babies. I'd rather look at them...I'd rather look at them every day and have them be mad at me and annoyed and make memories with them for right now."

As for rumors that she is retiring, the actor reassures us that if she were to retire, we would know. Bullock, always one for a joke, quipped,"I never said I'm retiring, unless while I'm with the babies, [If] I decide to retire, then I'll make that announcement...A very important announcement that no one will care about." Oh, we will 100% care!
We are happy that she is taking this time to spend with her family.