AMANDA IS FREE! Amanda Bynes Has Been Officially Released From Her Conservatorship!

Amanda Bynes has OFFICIALLY been released from her conservatorship.
Amanda Bynes, the former child actor known for her roles in The Amanda Show, Hairspray, Easy A, and others, was held in a conservatorship for the past nine years. After working very hard on herself, studying fashion, taking on entrepenurial adventures, and getting engaged, the icon decided it was time she regained complete control of her life. Now she has!
According to an article on The Hollywood Reporter, Bynes was finally released from her conservatorship in a court hearing on Tuesday. Her attourney plainly stated, "The court determines that the conservatorship is no longer required and that grounds for establishment of a conservatorship of the person no longer exist."
Unlike the tumultuous conservatorship case surrounding Britney Spears, all of Bynes friends and family have voiced their support for the star. Her parents' lawyer shared, "The parents are happy, thrilled to get this good news. The professionals say she is ready to make her own life choices and decisions and are so proud of her."
Now that she has been released from the conservatorship, Bynes has a lot of plans for her life moving forward. She is set to get married to her finace Paul Michael. Michael and Bynes met in a sober living facility back in 2020. The two are very excited to start their lives together.
Bynes is also working in fashion and beauty with her sights set on creating a new fragrance line. She is a competent and motivated adult, and we are sure she will be able to accomplish whatever she sets her mind to.
We are so happy that Bynes is finally in control of her own life!