Machine Gun Kelly has hired a lawyer in the bid to make sure the elderly battery case against him will be dropped. The singer is downplaying the allegations and the suit, claiming they cannot be true in the first place.  

It appears that the rocker's lawyer sent a letter to John Martin Tilli's lawyer, according to records acquired by Radar Online. 

In 2021, the 49-year-old parking lot worker Tilli sued MGK for allegedly physically hurting him in August 2020. 

Tilli claims in court documents that MGK and Mod Sun showed up on his property while he was doing his job in Los Angeles to make their film "Good Mourning with a U."  

Musicians were not granted permission or a permit by Tilli for the project to be filmed. He approached the artists and their entourage to tell them they had to leave immediately. 

He alleges, however, that they became hostile against him and formed a circle around him. Tilli claims that MGK and the rest of the gang pushed him to the point where he had no choice but to leave. 

According to the lawsuit, the event has left the parking lot attendant in a state of emotional anguish. To compensate him for the assault, violence, and elder abuse, he's asking for an undetermined sum in damages. His old age was cited as a factor in the final allegation. 

Law enforcement opted not to press charges against MGK after Tilli submitted a police complaint regarding the event. 

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The musician is reportedly now ready to go to battle against the malicious suit, which if proven guilty, can certainly tarnish his reputation. Abuse of any kind after all is not tolerable, but more so elderly abuse.  

For his part, MGK contends that, even if the allegations in Tilli's case were accurate - which he maintains are not - they wouldn't amount to elderly maltreatment. 

"Dependent adult abuse" is defined by law, according to him, as "(a) bodily or mental injury or pain or mental suffering as a result of abuse, neglect, financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, or abduction." 

According to MGK, no such thing occurred here. 

Among other things, the rocker intends to ask the judge to throw out any charges that he intentionally caused mental distress or violated the plaintiff's civil rights. 

According to the documents, Tilli's claim that MGK and his production team "supposedly shoved [Tilli] from the front and from the rear raises severe doubts as to whether the element of physical abuse is satisfied as well. Furthermore, he appears to be basing the alleged assault and violence on claims made by people other than Machine Gun Kelly, the rocker's legal camp alleged. 

Machine Gun Kelly is now requesting that the court give him time to file his official response before a decision is issued.

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